A straightforward blog on what I've learned from following Christ over a lifetime.
Welcome to this humble blog. My name is Joel Tanzi and while I do have a couple of degrees, neither of them covers theology, biblical studies, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, or apologetics. I felt it best to be up front about that so no one thinks I'm trying to pass myself off as a learned student of the Bible. What I know about it is just from reading it and letting the Lord teach me about it's layered richness, it's many hyperlinks, and it's importance to understanding how to walk in close relationship with Him. Some of that learning has come through other people, and some of it through simple meditation on the Word. So lest anyone think I hold myself in some kind of high regard in terms of my understanding of Scripture, let me disabuse that notion now. I'm a layperson just like most people.
What I have come to understand, however, is that no matter who we are, all of us whom have come to know Jesus personally have walked a different path and had unique experiences as we have come to know Him better and better. If you just became a believer yesterday, you still have something to teach me that I haven't heard before. For a long time, I thought I had nothing to share with others about how to continue in that journey beyond that initial first step. Over time the Lord began to show me that I had a responsibility to share what He has taught me with others, with humility and care.
I pray this blog will bless you in your journey with the Lord also, whether you are seeking Him, or just taking that first step in faith, or been walking with Him for many more years than I have.