mercy, graceThe Mercy You GiveAnd the LORD sent Nathan to David. He came to him and said to him, “There were two men in a certain city, the one rich and the other poor…
forgivenessForgiveness Is An Act, Not a FeelingAnd Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. - Luke 23:34 (ESV) There…
ministry, loveWhat The Jesus Revolution Has to Tell Us About TodayMuch like the “hippie” culture of the 60’s, we should not write off this generation Watching The Jesus Revolution, I thought two things:…
loveWhen Christians Fail At Representing ChristI recently read a blog post that told a heart-wrenching story about how an entire church failed an aging woman who was advancing through…
graceThe Art of VictimizationWhy we should be slow to claim persecution If there is one thing that many Christians seem to do well, it’s declaring when they feel they…
grace, cultureThe Culture War and the Role of the Christ FollowerDoes a follower of Christ have a place on the wall of this ceaseless struggle? Back in the summer I attended a conference operated by a well…
discernmentWatching Out for the Rage MachineIn which it gradually dawns on me how naive I am Have you heard about how Chick-fil-A is going to be forced by the state of New York to open…
grace, love, peaceOffend Me NotWhen Christians demand an apology from a media organization, are they defending the faith, or simply taking offense? On February 28, Fox…
discernmentThe Scientist and the Believer Can Be One and the SameRecently I read a digital booklet produced by a ministry that I admire greatly that nonetheless left me scratching my head a bit. The reason…
school, cultureTeaching the Bible in Public Schools May Not Go Like You Want It ToBe careful what you wish for I hold the Bible in the highest regard and consider it the inerrant word of God, spiritually inspired and…
truth, cultureThe Truth is the Truth Even When You Don't Agree With ItEmbracing our own “truth” is embracing a lie “If nothing is self-evident, nothing can be proved. Similarly, if nothing is obligatory for its…